Darin Knudson
Darin Knudson


Youth and adult functional fitness coach

Darin Knudson

Success doesn't happen overnight; it requires time and effort to turn your dreams into reality. Put in the hard work at the gym, in your job, and in the classroom, and the results will follow. Be patient!
Most of my accomplishments have come from coaching youth sports. I led a youth football team to an undefeated regular season and served as an assistant coach for a youth basketball team that won a state championship in our division.
Growing up, I played recreational baseball but quickly realized hitting a baseball wasn't my strength. I played football until my freshman year and continued playing basketball throughout high school. I've always had a passion for hockey and enjoyed playing pickup games at the local rink, though it's not quite the same as it is today.

My journey towards a healthier lifestyle and fitness began when I became ill. About 12 years ago, I weighed 220 pounds and was quite out of shape. I was consuming 3-4 20oz sodas daily and not eating the right foods. One morning, I woke up feeling very unwell and ended up bedridden for the next week, eating very little. The following week at work, I noticed that one side of my face wasn’t functioning properly. I called my wife and said, “I think I’m having a stroke.” I went to the emergency room and was diagnosed with Bell’s palsy. I had to wear an eye patch to bed for over a week and underwent physical therapy to regain my taste and other senses. During those two weeks, I lost nearly 50 pounds and looked extremely ill.
After that experience, I decided to make a change. I started running with my neighbor and eventually completed several half marathons, including Grandma's Marathon in Duluth. While my diet isn't perfect and I'm not at my ideal weight, I no longer drink soda and aim to work out 5-6 times a week. I do eat healthier, although I can't resist the allure of Little Debbie snacks!

I truly enjoyed my time coaching youth sports and aimed to make a positive impact on the athletes. My experience in the weight room with them made me realize that if I had to do it all over again, I wouldn’t have pursued a career in the trades; instead, I would have gone to college to earn a degree in strength and conditioning coaching.
I am excited to embark on this new chapter in my life and strive to make a difference in the lives of athletes, whether they are students aiming to make the varsity team or adults wanting to climb a flight of stairs without getting winded. Ultimately, I believe we are all on a shared journey to leave a positive mark on the world.