Tiana Wiebke
Tiana Wiebke

Mile PR: 5:27

5k PR: 19:31

2 Marathons in a year

Completed UMN marathon course


Seeking Personal Trainer Certification

University of Minnesota Kinesiology Bachelor's Degree in progress


Tiana Wiebke

Growing up I experimented with various sports including gymnastics, basketball, track, and cross country. Although I enjoyed participating in each of these, running always held a special place in my heart. I was honored to be a team captain in my junior and senior years of high school and to achieve All-Conference six years in a row in cross country. I took a short break from running and began lifting my first couple years of college but realized I was still eager to conquer various goals in the running world. I decided to take a risk and enroll in a marathon training course which has been one of the greatest decisions and experiences of my life. This course has combined running and lifting which has made me grow extraordinarily as an athlete. I run and workout/lift as it allows me to engage in and feel positive pain and test my limits, I love pushing myself and seeing what I am truly capable of. Fitness has also allowed me to build so many amazing relationships. My goal for 2024 is to qualify for the Boston Marathon.

Self-doubt and specifically the voice in my head saying "I can't" and "I just want this workout to be over" had an impact on me all through high school and the beginning of college when it came to fitness and running which ultimately led to an increase of stress and anxiety. This had a huge impact on my consistency in working out as well as my ability to grow and achieve my goals. I recently realized after reading various books written by Olympians and listening to podcasts that the only thing standing in front of me is myself. Turning the negative self-talk into positive self-talk has done wonders. Enjoying the hardest parts and the entire process of workouts rather than just wishing for it to be over has truly grown my love and passion for it.

My purpose for coaching is to help others build confidence in the gym and learn to get passed the mental barriers that stand in the way. I strive to encourage others to enjoy the process and be proud of yourself for showing up. Whether it is your first time in the gym or your millionth, I am here to help, motivate, and reach your goals with you. Strength is BEAUTIFUL, forget the norms, be YOU, and the healthiest form of YOUR body.