Sydney Shubert
Sydney Shubert

Deadlift: 250 lbs

Clean & Jerk: 130 lbs

15 consecutive HSPU

5 strict pull ups


4 years of CrossFit experience;

Have competed in 2 CrossFit competitions:

Festivus (1st place) & Midwest Championship (3rd place)


Sydney Shubert

I’ve played basketball my whole life & have tried out many other sports along the way including soccer, tennis, and volleyball. I tried out CrossFit for the first time in 9th grade and absolutely fell in love. I am now a senior and typically do CrossFit 6 days/ week and hope to continue it throughout college and the rest of my life. I love the feeling I get after completing a workout and how strong CrossFit makes me feel in general. I have competed in 2 competitions: Festivus 2 years ago & Midwest Championship this past fall. My favorite movements are deadlifts, cleans, HSPU, and wall balls.

I played basketball my whole life, but I quit my senior season after realizing I no longer loved it and it didn’t bring me joy anymore. I’ve always felt a lot of pressure and anxiety when it comes to my athletic performance- but I found that the pressure and anxiety I’ve always felt never translated to CrossFit. CrossFit brings me joy and is a big stress-reliever in my life. CrossFit makes me excited to workout and has allowed me to feel more athletic than any sport ever has. It has given me more confidence in myself not only in the gym, but in just about every area of my life.

My purpose for coaching is to leave the same impact on others that Erik Myran & CrossFit as a whole have left on me. I want to help all people feel strong and be the best versions of themselves. Helping people feel comfortable in the gym and be excited to workout brings me a ton of joy. I also want to be a role model for other girls and show them that it’s cool to be strong  & they are allowed to take up space.