Sonja Hamm
Sonja Hamm
In 2022, I competed, as a team of two, at the Masters Fitness Collective first ever Rx competition as a Masters athlete! This past year I achieved a 10lb weighted pull-up and have been doing weighted pull-ups for reps. I eat double-unders and burpees for breakfast. If you throw a heavy barbell or dumbbell into the mix I have my perfect workout.


CrossFit Level 1 (CF-L1)

CrossFit Judges Course.

University of Manitoba Bachelor of Arts, Major in Criminology, Minor in Psychology.

Functional Fitness Coach

Sonja Hamm

Growing up, I didn't play many sports unless you count roller skating and riding a bike in the neighborhood! I dabbled with weights in college, but it wasn't until after I had kids that I really got interested in sports. I took up running, starting with 5Ks which turned into 10ks, and eventually a bunch of half marathons and a Ragnar!

10 years ago I took a leap of faith with CrossFit. We were training for our first-ever Tough Mudder race and needed something more than Shaun T's Insanity workouts. With reluctance, my husband and I went to see what the CrossFit hype was about. We ultimately fell in love with the methodology and two years after our CrossFit journey began we found ourselves taking the CrossFit Level 1 (CF-L1) instructor class.

Fast forward to today, and with eight years of coaching under my belt, I've developed a keen eye for movement and a passion for helping make people move better.

Back in January of 2022, a dear friend suggested I try out Blacklisted HQ programming. While I was getting a lot of value out of the programming at our Box I felt I needed more hands-on specialized coaching myself to focus on and develop my weak points.

Blacklisted HQ has done this. My conditioning has improved immensely, my gymnastics skills are steadily improving, and my overall strength has skyrocketed. It has also provided me with a toolbox full of movement modifications and alternatives that I use every day with my athletes.

What I needed from a coach was focused accountability - and focused accountability is what I bring to my athletes.

My goal is to teach. My day job is in a middle school and my passion is making people - of all ages - better.

From coaching the Foundations program to regular CrossFit, to Olympic Weightlifting, I have worked hard to develop a keen eye for movement and a set of cues to help my athletes not only identify but feel their weak points and progress through them.

Whether you are looking for feedback in a class, individualized personal training, or need strength and conditioning for young athletes, I am proud to say I've experienced it all.