Skylar Flicek
Skylar Flicek

Power Clean: 135 Ibs

Bench Press: 105 Ibs

5 Unbroken Strict Pull Ups

Can do Legless Rope Climbs


5 years of CrossFit experience
Competed in a CrossFit competition individually

Festivus Games (5th place overall)


Skylar Flicek

When I was younger I played volleyball, basketball, and ran track. After a few years, I realized that basketball and track were not for me. I focused my time on volleyball and had an amazing experience helping our team place third in the MN State Class AAA Volleyball Tournament in 2022 and back-to-back HVL Conference Champs in 2022 and 2023. This past season, my senior year, I also received the Academic All-State Award and was named to the All-Conference- Honorable Mention Team. Volleyball has been a big part of my life but I knew that I wanted to do more than just play volleyball and I have always loved the idea of fitness. So I decided to try out CrossFit five years ago and immediately fell in love with it. I competed in one CrossFit competition a couple of years ago, Festivus Games, where I placed 5th overall individually. My love for CrossFit has grown into so much more, helping me become the best version of myself.

Growing up I didn’t have much confidence and I was very shy. When I found CrossFit it not only gave me a place where I could go to work hard but it also gave me space to work on myself. This sport has allowed me to come out of my shell and Coach Myran continues to push me to become the best version of myself. Working out is essentially you competing with yourself to build confidence. I love how CrossFit is life-changing!

My purpose for coaching is to inspire others to work hard. I want everyone to know how much fun fitness can be by sharing my passion, confidence, positivity, and drive. I know how, at a young age, it’s hard to keep working out consistently and gyms can be intimidating but it not only makes you physically stronger, it makes you mentally stronger and builds your confidence. Once you get started into fitness you’ll never want to stop. My goal is to help young kids experience this life-changing journey and I’m excited to help them reach their potential and push them beyond what they think they’re capable of. The beauty of CrossFit and fitness is that there are no limits. Fitness is inclusive and not only good for your body but good for your soul. Strength is beautiful!