Peyton Suess
Peyton Suess


Wake Forest University - BS in Health and Exercise Science 5 years of Division 1 Power 5 volleyball experience.


Peyton Suess

Sports have always been a huge part of my life and have given me some great experiences. Growing up, I was very active and was involved in basketball, volleyball, and track. I have played competitive volleyball for as long as I can remember, and I just finished up my collegiate career after 5 years playing at the Division 1 Power 5 level.

Now that I've exhausted all of my collegiate eligibility, I have had to find my own ways of staying active. Especially over the last 5 years of my time playing collegiate volleyball, I have had all of my lifts, conditioning, and training planned to the minute by some great coaches. Now that I no longer have that structure, I have been able to take initiative in my own training and I have enjoyed getting to learn how to stay active on my own terms.

Sports has always been such a large part of my life and doesn't seem to be leaving anytime soon. In college, I really enjoyed my time in the weight room and in training. I learned a ton from my coaches there and they brought out my interest in staying active. I also found it so interesting that I was able to apply the information I was learning in the classroom to my own training performance.