Mitchell Noel
Mitchell Noel

Ragnar Relays completed: 3
Spartan Races completed: 1
Sub 5 minute mile
Sub 18 minute 5k


NASM Certified Personal Trainer
NASM Mental Toughness Certification
NASM Bodybuilding Certification
NASM Integrated Resistance Training Certification

Fitness Coach

Mitchell Noel

Forever a kid from a small town in Wisconsin. Graduated college at the University of Minnesota - Twin Cities. Moved to Kasson in 2021. Currently coaching basketball and track & field at Kasson-Mantorville.
Life has taught me that there are going to be more ups and downs than you could ever imagine and those who succeed are those who keep going. From winning championships to year-long injuries and everything in between, the ups and downs are going to keep coming. Success comes from continuing to push through all of it to continually become the best version of yourself.
I've morphed into the coach I am today by continually evolving. Just as the world is continually evolving around us, we need to continually evolve to reach our highest potential and help those around us reach theirs. I used to be a runner, then I became a bodybuilder, now I'm evolving into an athlete and I want to share my knowledge and experience with anyone I can help.
I played basketball, baseball, cross country, and track growing up. I was all-conference in cross country and track, qualifying for State 4 times between the two sports.

The turning point of my fitness life was tearing my ACL in 2018. That moment introduced me to my first experience with depression. Improving my strength, stamina, and rehab practices became a necessity to ensure I never returned to that place.

My purpose for coaching is to help others reach their highest potential. Whether that is being a State champion or setting a PR in whatever their focus is. I want to help those willing to put in the work become better in every way possible. I'm impassioned to serve all. Young, old, experienced, novice, I'll serve anyone willing to put in the work. The motivation behind my purpose is wanting to leave the world a little better than I came into it and I think I can do that best by helping others.