Erik Myran
Erik Myran

Back Squat 500

Deadlift 525

Clean 335

Snatch 230

Bench 315


20 Years experience coaching athletes of all ages across a huge variety of sports and fitness applications

Group Fitness Certification.


Erik Myran

I have spent my entire life chasing the dream of playing all day :)  I have played about every sport possible, I enjoy team sports and being challenged so that I can test myself to be the best version of myself!  Being able to lift weights, compete in CrossFit, and help others perform to their peak potential in their specific sports is what really drives me these days.  I also love working with adults new to fitness or wanting to level up their strength.

I love a good test and I thoroughly enjoy failure.  The reason why?  I know I am attempting something that isn't easy for me, I love having the chance to learn about myself and I chase progress daily.

Every day I wake up thinking about how I can make the people around me happy.  How can I use my talents to inspire, motivate, and push people in my community to fight for more, and fight for their best life?  That's the fire I wake up with every morning!