Elizabeth Becker
Elizabeth Becker
Snatch 187 lbs Clean and jerk 222 lbs Back Squat 300 lbs Freestanding handstand hold 1 minute Press to Handstand from straddle stand Back to back University National team champion in Olympic lifting


National Board for Health & Wellness Coaching Certification in progress Precision Nutrition Level 2 Master Coach Certification in progress Precision Nutrition Sleep, Stress, Recovery Certification in progress Precision Nutrition AI Health & Fitness Coaches Certification Precision Nutrition Level 1 Certification Nonviolent Communication Certification Beyond Macros Online Nutrition Coach Condensed Certification Working Against Gravity Nutrition Coach Certification CPR and First AID Certification USA Gymnastics Coaching Certification Level 1 Crossfit Certified MBA Psych degree (helps me with nutrition more than you'd think)

Nutrition Coach

Elizabeth Becker

\My story starts way back when I was 6 and I started doing gymnastics. When I was 11 I moved to a gym where I could train and compete competitively. As a competitive gymnast, I felt the pressure to be thin, and I developed an eating disorder. By the time I was 13 I completely lost my period, was eating less than 800 calories per day, and started getting sick/injured quite often. In order to get the 6 pack abs that my coach told me I needed to have, I joined my local Crossfit gym. One of the first things I experienced at that gym was a nutrition challenge, where we were told we had to eat fruits and veggies to earn points. I had never had a coach tell me to eat MORE food before, and I wanted to learn as much as I could. I quit gymnastics about a week after starting CrossFit, and that is where my healing journey with food began. Since then I have been competing in Olympic lifting at the National level and consistently placing in the top 10. I have worked with many different nutrition coaches and now have multiple certifications of my own. I became a coach so that I can help people heal their relationship with food and their bodies just like I learned to do. The way I coach reflects what I have learned through years of being coached myself, recovering from an eating disorder, and being a competitive athlete. My most recent accomplishment is competing at U25 Nationals and placing 7th in a very competitive field of lifters.

I was the girl who believed that being skinny was the key to love and respect. People noticed me more when I was smaller. People were kinder to me when I was smaller. Only when I stepped into that CrossFit gym did I realize that there is more to life than being skinny. My goal changed to being strong and being able to express my body through movement. It took many years of healing my relationship with food to learn that my worth is completely outside of my body size.

My purpose for coaching is to guide other people to a place of self-acceptance, love, and trust that I know get to experience on the daily. I know when I see someone in a painful relationship with food because I will never forget what that felt like every single minute of every single day for years on end. I HATED my body and was always trying some new diet to lose weight. I want to coach kids and parents alike on how to develop a healthy relationship with food that will allow them to both perform and enjoy their lives. I love serving other women and girls who have struggled with disordered eating and negative body image. I will help you change your story, change your habits, and learn to use food as a tool rather than a punishment.