Dawn Miller
Dawn Miller

Deadlift 245 lbs

run 6 minute mile

1:42 1/2 marathon time at age 50

bench press 110 lbs

adventure hiker and mountain climber of numerous 14,000's
Cardio and Endurance Fitness is my focus.

Being mentally tough in the competitive environment.  I strive to maintain determination, enthusiasm, focus and intensity despite any circumstance.


3D Coach Certification

Masters of Arts in Differentiated Instruction

8 years Wellness Coach

USTAF Certification Strength and Conditioning,

31 years of coaching varsity sports


Dawn Miller

I have coached varsity girls' sports for the past 31 years.  The experiences I have been through have shaped me into the person I am today.  I have always been involved in sports all my life. I learned to be competitive at a young age and I didn't care if I won or lost, I mostly cared if I was with my friends.  I was a 3 sport high school athlete and a 2 sport college athlete.  Being on a supportive teams where we had common goals was a big highlight for me.  I have always strived for continuous improvement and adaptability in myself and in athletes.  8 years ago I took a leap and moved into teaching adult fitness classes.  These classes emphasize total body fitness.  It is my belief to push your body to make your mind stronger.  The I don't quit mentality is what I have and I try to instill this into my clients and athletes I coach.  Life is now, so your journey is in your hands. The choices you make will shape who you are so do what's right for you.

The turning point in my life was when I was in college playing basketball, my coach told me that I had a gift to help others.  He saw something in me that I didn't see.  From then on, I decided I wanted to be a high school coach and share my passions with others.  I have been a strong advocate for female equality in sports.

My purpose for coaching is to help others reach their full potential. Suppose it's to prepare for a race or to become physically or mentally stronger.  You can develop confidence in becoming stronger and this confidence can unlock many other potentials in yourself.