Crysta Parkin
Crysta Parkin

2022 IWF Masters World Champion (59kg, 45-49 female)

Minnesota Weightlifting record holder (multiple masters categories)

2x Legends Masters Championship competitor (2021, 2023)

2023 CrossFit Age Group Quarterfinals 180th Worldwide (Women 45-49) - 2 top 100 finishes


USA Weightlifting Sport Performance (Level 1) Coach

Three Pillars Method™ Coach

Precision Nutrition Level 1 Certified Nutrition Coach


Crysta Parkin

I came to fitness later in life. I started running after graduating from law school and decided to do a CrossFit boot camp while training for my second Grandma’s Marathon after reading an article about how adding weight training could help with running. Although I learned my knees were not built for long-distance running, I fell in love with CrossFit and especially lifting weights! I competed in my first weightlifting meet in 2013 and was hooked. I became a USA Weightlifting certified coach in 2015 and have competed in state, national, and international level meets for 10 years. In 2022, I competed at the IWF Masters World Championships and won my age and weight class which was a dream come true! I started competing more seriously in CrossFit in 2016. I have participated as an individual and on teams in local, regional, and national competitions including Gameday, Atlantic Coast Classic, Masters Fitness Collective, and Legends Masters. If I’m not competing, I’m judging, refereeing, or coaching!

In 2016, I learned you cannot outtrain bad nutrition. Even though I had been doing CrossFit for a couple of years, I was not happy with my body composition and decided to start focusing on nutrition. I ultimately lost 30+ pounds, have maintained that weight loss over time, and have learned how to manage my nutrition for training, competition, and life. After working with a 1:1 nutrition coach, I have obtained two nutrition certifications - Precision Nutrition Level 1 and Three Pillars Method™ - so that I can help others reach their goals. Shifting my nutrition habits also helped me perform better which led to having the confidence to attack my weaknesses and compete at a higher level.

I love working with athletes of all levels and helping them meet their goals. I love being a part of “a-ha” moments and PRs. As someone who was never a “natural” athlete, I can identify with people new to weightlifting or functional fitness and help build skills. As an experienced athlete, I can provide guidance to those who want to compete in weightlifting or CrossFit. As a master athlete, I understand the value of prioritizing smart training, quality movement, mobility, and recovery. As a busy adult, I can help those who want nutrition coaching that is realistic and flexible.