Carron Shubert
Carron Shubert


I have been a fitness instructor in the Kasson community for over 14 years.

I have instructed a variety of fitness classes over the years including Zumba, Total Body Strength, PiYO, Butts & Gutts and even Cardio Kickboxing.


Carron Shubert

My fitness journey really started after I had kids. Trying to find ways to fit in a good workout was challenging with babies but I knew I needed it not only for my physical wellbeing but also mentally. Being a working parent is tough and exercise always provided me an outlet to feel better and be the best mom I could for my family! I initially started with running and signed up for road races and even a half marathon to keep me motivated. As life got busier, I resorted to fitness videos at home and I always gravitated to those with energetic instructors and great music! I ended up trying out a local Zumba class in Kasson and was HOOKED! I never missed a class and couldn't wait for the next one!  It was then, that I decided to become an instructor and I never looked back! Sharing my love for fitness with others brings me such joy! I love the energy, accountability, and push that group classes bring! Not to mention the amazing friendships!  I have always loved cardio, however, after I entered my 40's I knew that had to change! I became very interested in strength training and got pretty serious about it, even competing in a few figure competitions. I learned so much from doing this and try to incorporate strength training into my dance fitness classes because I understand the importance of including it in our lives as we age! Weight training benefits are endless and I love sharing my passion for this with others.

I would say my biggest enemy is believing in myself. I have struggled with this most of my life. I have found that investing time in yourself can help overcome many obstacles. For me, this is my time in the gym. Whether it be my individual workout sessions or instructing a fitness class with all the other ladies who chose to put their health first and make time for themselves. There is a very special confidence that is built when we do things, we never thought possible and when we encourage others to do the same! Exercise not only changes our bodies, but it also has a huge impact on our minds, attitude, and mood.

My purpose for coaching is to share my love for fitness with others! I hope to bring motivation, encouragement, and positive energy to every class so that when you leave you feel better than you have all day!  I also hope to help attendees build confidence with a variety of strength training and fitness techniques so they are able to reap all of the benefits it can bring to their overall wellness and daily living!