Addie Myran
Addie Myran

Deadlift: 345

18 strict pull-ups unbroken

1:09 400m

Sq.Clean: 195


CrossFit Level 1 (did not finish due to age, but completed the course)


Addie Myran

When I was younger I did almost every sport you can put a kid in, but stuck with soccer, basketball, softball, and track the longest. my dad has been coaching fitness/CrossFit classes for over 20 years now. every once in a while I would hop in with the class, I was in 3rd grade-ish when I did my first CrossFit workout. I was on and off for a while when covid hit I fell in love with CrossFit. I started competing when I was 13 (I’m 15 now) since then I’ve done about 10 comps. I won Granite Games (‘21), 3rd and 8th at The Pit (‘22 and ‘23), the open and quarterfinals last year. the overall reason why I do CrossFit is to prove to myself what I am capable of doing and to push my limits. my goal for this season qualify for the 2024 Teen crossfit games and make a name for myself.

The turning point in my life I would honestly say was COVID. Once COVID hit, my life was flipped upside down. I started training full-time and began coaching a little while after. This grew me as a person in general dealing with adversity at such a young age.

My purpose for coaching is to help anyone who wants to work and achieve their goals by creating healthy habits.